All you need to know about the new Equestrian Sport Structure

All you need to know about the new Equestrian Sport Structure


Q. What is the process to compete in the new structure?

1) Register you and your horse with the SAEF (you have to have decided which club you will join as your number will be sent to that club)
2) Join a Club of your choice
3) Join the Discipline Association/s of your choice.

Q. Why must I join a club?

A. Clubs will form an integral part of our Sport as they provide services on behalf of the Federation such as communication and recognised participation. It is a requirement for any SAEF Registered member to belong to a particular club of their choice. It is also the requirement of the new National Sports and Recreation plan that an infrastructure of Clubs be created for every Sporting Discipline.

Q. What is the purpose of declaring your “Primary Club” as on the SAEF Rider Registration form?

A. Because one can join more than one club it is necessary to have a primary club that will be linked to your registration with the SAEF. All communication with regards to your membership on the national database will be done through your primary Club. Your primary Club is the club you will compete out of when being selected for teams.

Q. What are the benefits of forming a club?

1. Recognition and standing within the formal structure.
2. Opportunity to apply for funding if correctly legislated.
3. Opportunity to hold sanctioned events within the formal system (terms and conditions apply).
4. Opportunity to create a loyalty platform for existing clients.
5. Potential to take part in future Club series and competitions.
6. To comply with the sports plan.

Q. Does belonging to another Club other than GHS Club have any disadvantages? We have been told that entry fees to shows held at some clubs will be higher for non-members and there will be high levies for each show.

A. No. Any SAEF member is allowed to choose which club they want to belong to. Because KEP is a bigger venue and offers facilities for a large number of disciplines their fees are likely to be higher. Clubs are entitled to charge additional levy for non-members

Q. How is a club defined?

A. A club is a group of at least 3 individuals with a Domicilium citandi et executandi, which will determine the geo-political boundary the club exists in. The club is a body registered with the SAEF, and affiliated to the relevant Association/s. A club may be a virtual club as long as it nominates a registered address. A group that organizes itself as a club must comply with any laws governing its organization in this case (SAEF) and otherwise be cognizant of the legal ramifications in undertaking to organize itself in this manner.

Q. Must a club join one discipline or many disciplines?

A. It is the choice of any Club to join a Discipline Association. It is possible for a Club to join more than one Discipline Association. Discipline Associations will offer their services as per their constitutions. For a club to offer a discipline, it must consult with that Discipline Association in terms of the DA’s requirements before the offer to its members.

Q. Why must a club register with the SAEF?

A. The Club system replaces the provincial bodies as a portal to membership –the club system is what the Department of Sport and Recreation recognizes as the preferred structure to ensure that sport is grown at ground level. This is the only portal to becoming a member of the formal structure – both with the SAEF and the Disciplines. Because Clubs are likely to be smaller, they encourage more participation and will help in developing the sport at large. The purpose and objective of a club must be in compliance with the law and in the best interests of its community.

Q. Can I join any equestrian club?

A. Yes – as long as your primary Club is within the Geo-Political boundary in which you reside. You may choose to join multiple clubs as long as you meet the above criteria.

Q. Why must a rider register with the SAEF?

A. In order to compete or participate in the SAEF recognised events at all levels for National recognition bound by the Federation and Discipline Association’s Constitution and General Regulations. One of the deliverables of the SAEF to SASCOC and the Department of Sports and Recreation is to supply them with data as so who participates in Equestrian Sport. They cannot do this without details from the members. Social Members that do not participate in any recognised events or competitions are encouraged to join clubs. They can be members of the Federation at no cost.

Q. What types of registrations are there for riders?

A. Social/Recreational, Entry Level and Full.
B. Social – Riders who are in the sport but do not compete
C. Entry Level- Riders who compete at the lowest level as defined by each Discipline Association
D, Full – Athletes who compete at the levels defined by each Discipline Association

Q. What do I do with my rider ID?

A. This will be used as a reference on the National Database. This will also be presented to your club in order for your membership to be finalized with that particular club. The SAEF Number will also be used when registering with the Discipline Associations. It is envisaged going forward to create a loyalty programme in which case your Membership ID will be vital.

Q. Why must horses register with the SAEF?

A. It is the responsibility of the Federation to ensure that every horse has a passport and to control inoculations in accordance with government regulations. As such the SAEF needs to have this information on their database. It is also vital in order to keep accurate statistics. The Horse, as with the rider is also an athlete and requires recognition for data-base purposes.

Q. Must a horse register with a discipline?

A. Yes in order to keep records of its performance history where required by the Federation or controlling body.

Q. What benefits are available to me as a registered rider?

A. Access to formal competition and the grading system

Opportunity to compete in an environment where the standard and level of the competition is monitored

Opportunity to compete in an environment where officials are qualified.

The only platform to obtain official recognition and ultimately the only pathway to compete in the international arena.

To have records through the structure. It is the requirement of the Federation to provide data to the Government as defined by the Sports Act.

Q. Why have the costs increased?

A. Each discipline has become a standalone entity and its costs are determined by its offering. Increases in the running of disciplines in areas are also related to inflationary costs.

Q. Are bundles of membership available for me if I compete in more than one discipline?

A. Not at present, although the disciplines have tried to keep the membership of the lower levels where muti discipline participation is more common as low s possible.

Q. What happens if I don’t want to register with the SAEF or any other body?

A. You will not be allowed to compete within the formal structure. You may register as a social member and receive updates and news letters from the Federation.

Q. Must officials register with the SAEF?

A. Yes in order to access insurance cover – this has been kept to a minimum fee of R20.00

Q. Do I have insurance cover?

A. Yes – via the SAEF. A full schedule of cover will be published in due course.

Q. Do I need a passport for my horse?

A. Yes – in terms of legislation.

Q. How do I get a new passport for my horse?

A. As from the 1st of August, agents will be appointed in each province to deal with new registrations, passports and measuring. Details of these agents will be available in due course before the 31st July.

Q. Can I still compete in FEI competitions?

A. Yes. As long as you are correctly registered within the system and meet the requirements.

Q. Can a club run shows?

A. Yes as long as they meet the requirements of a SHB, and their venue meets the requirements as set out by each Discipline Association. All surpluses however must go back into the club for the benefit of the members of that particular club.

Q. Why must a show holding body register with the SAEF and the Discipline?

A. It is the responsibility of the Federation to ensure that compliance of Show Holding Bodies with legislation and best practice is adhered to, and the responsibility of the Discipline to ensure compliance with the Discipline requirements.

Q. Who will check my entries?

A. The SHB will send your entries to the Discipline/s concerned instead of the provincial Body as is done now.

Q. What will happen to my grading points?

A. If you register by the 1st August all of your points will be carried over. After that the SHB will send the show results to the Discipline Association who will capture the results and issue grading points where relevant.

Q. Will the rules change for the disciplines?

A. They may through the rule changing process set out in their constitution.

Q. Where will I enter for events?

A. Directly to the SHB as you do currently.

Q. Can I still compete at schools shows?

A. Yes – however if you require grading points you will have to go though the structure (SAEF, Club and Discipline)

Q. Must a venue register with the SAEF?

A. No but must be inspected and approved by the relevant Discipline Association.

Q. I am an international rider. What do I do?

A. You will need to obtain your licence through the SAEF and join the relevant Discipline Association

Q. If I choose to do temporary membership for shows that I do instead of annual membership/subs, do I (and my horse) accumulate the grading points on record?? In other words…would the point system be the same if I paid annual subs or temporary membership for each class/show of each discipline I enter?

A. You would need to register your horse for the year – you can then do temporary membership for yourself but would still need to go through a club and the SAEF first.

Q. When is the latest everyone can pay in order that our horse’s points are carried over from the old to the new structure?

A. 1st August 2013

Q. Will we be allowed to wear registered Shirts?

A. Disciplines that allow shirts will accept those already registered. However new shirts will need to be registered by the relevant Discipline Association.

Q. Are all the fees for Development Riders (previously disadvantaged etc) going to be waived? If not what fees must they pay? We have development riders riding in graded classes across all grades and disciplines?

A. Written application plus motivation and supporting proof of salary must be sent to each body (SAEF ad the Discipline Association for consideration).

Q. How am I going to know whether riders have complied with the new regulations when they enter one of my shows? Are all the relevant discipline associations going to have someone check my entries?

A. The members will only be allowed to join the Discipline Association once they have joined a club and the SAEF. The DA will check you entries before your show and advise accordingly. Entries must reflect the rider’s identification number.

Q. I heard a rumour that from 1 August all entries will be done online directly with the discipline associations and all payments will be made directly to the relevant discipline associations, they will then send entries to me and the monies paid into their account less their portion of the levies…is that going to happen?

A. No – at this stage the entries will go to the SHB as normal. Some of the Discipline Associations are investigating an on – line system which will be made available to the SHB’s. But this is not ready yet.

Q. What happens when as a judge you receive a substitution form for horse and rider…how are we going to know that the new horse and rider are compliant with SAEF regulations?

A. As is the current situation, on signing the substitution form the rider is declaring that they are correctly registered. If they are not they will be dealt with by the DA concerned through their disciplinary process.

Q. What is the purpose of declaring your “Primary Club” as on the SAEF Rider Registration form?

A. Your primary club has to be in your geo-political boundary. After that you can join as many clubs as you wish. For inter-club competitions however you will represent your primary club. In addition your primary club will be linked to your registration with the SAEF. All communication with regards to your membership on the national database will be done through your primary Club.

Q. What are the geo-political boundaries of Gauteng? Members have been informed to belong to a Club within the geo-political boundaries of where they reside.

A. As defined on any map. Basically if one stays in Gauteng, they must be registered with any club of their choice in Gauteng.

Q. Do you have a list of pricing for the various disciplines?

A. This is on the comparison document on the website as well as in each of the DA’s business plans.

Q. When you talk about officials are you including anyone who works at a show?

A. The definitions of Officials are Panel officials – Course Designers, Stewards, Judges and Technical Delegates – not jump judges. Officials will not have to join a club but will join the SAEF directly. Part of the membership will be PL insurance cover- also to cover the official udder the code of conduct. These officials must be on the relevant Panels on their Discipline Associations.

Q. Does a SHB have to join a club?

A. No – only the SAEF and the DA.

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