Venue Hire and Arena Bookings​

To book the Clubhouse or the grounds for an event, please email

Please note – KPC Members are able to ride in our warm-up arenas throughout the year, and, whenever possible, members can book and ride in our arenas.

Members have the privilege of riding in a safe and secure environment and some of the best arenas in the country.  The competition arenas available for bookings are opened at the discretion of the club and dependent on the show schedule are as follows:

  • Peter Minnie
  • May Foxcroft
  • Members Arena

Please read our arena hire and usage policy:


The guidelines set out in this document govern the KPC arena hire and usage practice.

Updated: January 2022


a. To remain competitive, better serve our members, and provide the best environment possible for exercising horses and/or practicing for upcoming shows, Kyalami Park Club makes available access to one or more of our competition and warm-up arenas.

b. Kyalami Park Club permits the use of our warm-up arenas during club operating hours and our competition arenas during the selected times they are made available for hire. This allows members to ride in an environment that is not their home and familiarize their horses with the competition setting.

c. All club members and everyone connected with the club should remember that all arena equipment, as well as any ground management services provided by the club, belong to the club. Their purpose is to facilitate and support our members in utilizing their member benefits. Members have the responsibility to hire and use the arenas and the KPC grounds in a professional, ethical, and lawful manner.

d. To aid in the above, the following guidelines have been drafted for arena hire and usage. No policy can cover every possible situation. Instead, it is designed to express Kyalami Park Club’s arena hire and usage procedures and set forth general principles for using the club’s arenas.


Access to Kyalami Park Club’s arenas is for members only. No member can hire an arena on behalf of a non-member. No member is permitted to bring a non-member to use an arena under their booking. The only exception is on training/clinic days (SEE POINT 6).


The hiring of a Kyalami Park Club arena prohibits the following:

a) Hiring an arena on behalf of a non-member under the Personal Usage banner.

b) Including a non-member in your group when using a booked arena under the Personal Usage banner.

c) Using a personal course designer to build a course without the explicit knowledge and agreement of the club.

d) Arriving late and staying past your allocated timeslot.

e) Using an arena that you have not specifically booked via our online system.

f) Joining groups in an arena specifically booked by them without their consent.

g) Changing the course design during your allocated slot.


The preparation and maintenance of our warm-up and competition arenas are expensive and labor-intensive. Arenas are closed during certain times for maintenance, preparation, and other factors:

a) Respect arena closure times as they may be prepared for shows or bookings.

b) Arenas are opened at the club’s discretion based on events, staff availability, and maintenance schedules.

c) A maximum of 4 horses may use the arena per 30-minute timeslot.

d) The minimum booking fee per half hour is adjustable at the discretion of management and EXCO teams.

e) Block bookings/clinics take preference if scheduled in advance.

f) Arenas are closed between 16:00 PM and 8:00 AM for raking and watering, and between 12:00 and 13:00 for watering and raking.

g) Respect other riders’ times and stay within your allocated slot.

h) Arenas must be used with the course available unless an alternative arrangement is made for training days/clinics.

i) Riders are responsible for the replacement/repair of any damaged/broken equipment. Any rider found avoiding payment for damages will be fined R1000 plus relevant repair/replacement costs.

j) The above fees pertain to jumping arenas or any arenas with fences set up.


Definition: Hiring an arena for yourself or for a group of members riding during the same or different timeslots is considered personal use. This includes half-day bookings by a coach for their pupils.


  • Dressage competition arenas: R172.50 per horse per time.

  • Peter Minnie Arena: R287.50 per horse per 30 minutes.

  • Other arenas: R230 per horse per 30 minutes.

Maximum 4 horses per half-hour timeslot.

All amounts include VAT.

Kyalami Park Club reserves the right to visit the arena during bookings to ensure compliance with the online booking system and membership rules.


Definition: A coach using an arena for their students for a full day (8:00 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM). Visiting coaches who are not KPC members will incur an additional charge of R500.

Cost (Excl. VAT):

  • Jumping: R5500 per full day / R3000 per half day.

  • Dressage: R2500 per full day / R1500 per half day.

No more than 4 horses per 30-minute timeslot.

Procedure and Payment:

  • Requests must be emailed to

  • An invoice will be issued, or tickets must be submitted before the clinic.

  • Payment must be made at least one day before the training day/clinic.

  • During training days/clinics, a coach may bring non-members from their yard.

  • Coaches are responsible for collecting arena booking fees from participants.


Kyalami Park Club assumes no liability for loss, damage, or destruction of personal items. Members are discouraged from riding with valuable items such as cell phones.

All arena users must sign an indemnity form against accident, injury, death, or loss (animal or human). This indemnity can be signed online when booking arenas. Coaches hosting clinics must ensure all riders sign an indemnity form.

Safety Requirements:

  • FEI-approved hard hats with correctly fastened harnesses and appropriate footwear with a heel must be worn by every rider.

Kyalami Park Club reserves the right to amend opening days, times, and costs without formal communication during extraordinary circumstances, including but not limited to COVID-19 regulations.

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